There’s more than one type of cool wallpaper for walls. You can create your own murals, decorate with abstract prints, or even design wallpaper yourself. One company, Flavor Paper, offers wallpaper murals that can be pre-pasted or painted. Depending on the design, you can have a custom mural or choose from hundreds of ready-to-paste designs. But before you start applying cool wallpaper to your walls, there are some things you should know.
There are so many options when it comes to cool wallpaper for walls. You can go with a classic design or something a little more daring. You can choose a traditional design, like a mural, or opt for a cool design infused with modern touches. If you are unsure of what you’d like, consider a classic pattern or a contemporary abstract design. The most important thing to remember when choosing wallpaper is that it should complement the rest of the room, so you don’t want to overdo it.
If you want to use bold colors to make a statement wall, a geometric patterned wallpaper will give you the opportunity to do so. While geometric patterns are neutral enough for a statement wall, millennial pink is a very bold color and looks great when used with grey accents. A textured wallpaper will give the illusion of marble walls or Portuguese tiles. In this way, it will blend in well with natural wood elements. It will also complement any style and theme.
Geometric prints are also great for smaller rooms. Geometric patterns can add strength and appeal to small rooms and can be paired with electric pops of color. Tonal stripes and patterned wallpapers are a great choice if you want a pattern that’s easy on the eyes. In addition, geometric patterns are a good choice for rooms with large windows. It’s also a great way to create a dramatic focal point.
Geometric patterns run through several style eras. They are the foundation of every design and are often modified for ornamental purposes. They can also be puristic or authentically ornamental. Abstract paintings are another great inspiration for wallpapers. These paintings feature intense colours and can be based on many different art movements. They’re also a good choice for walls, as they’re very bold and eye-catching. And they can be used as a backdrop for your favourite paintings.
Similarly, modern floral designs can serve as cool wallpaper ideas. Modern floral wallpapers, especially, are often subtle and timeless. They can be playful or sophisticated, depending on your personal preferences. Regardless of the style, they’ll still look great and be a conversation starter. You can also create your own unique patterns if you want to give your walls a personal touch. Just make sure you know how to install your wallpaper properly.
Psychedelic patterns are another great option. Associated with the hippie era, these patterns create intense optical illusions. If you’re choosing this option, remember to choose wallpaper with the right shape and size, or you might need to buy more than one roll. Be sure to check the dye lot, also known as a batch number, before you buy. You’ll want to make sure the color matches well. Mixing colors from different dye lots may cause visible irregularities.