Cool Wallpaper For Walls

Whether you’re a fan of pattern or print, wallpaper is a great way to add visual interest to your walls. However, it can be hard to know what will work in a space and you don’t want to waste time or money on something that won’t work. Thankfully, there are plenty of cool wallpaper for walls options out there. You just need to know what to look for.

The right color, scale and a little bit of imagination can go a long way in determining how well your wallpaper choice will work. It’s also important to consider the furniture and flooring in your room as they will play a major role in how your wallpaper looks and how it functions in your space.

If you’re going for a bold print or a pattern that’s not your typical choice of wallpaper, it’s wise to choose a wipeable option since your walls will probably need a quick swipe every once in a while. Also, consider how your wallpaper will interact with natural light throughout the day. For example, if you’re using a dark wallpaper and light catches it just right, it can give your wall a glowing appearance that will be hard to replicate with paint.

It’s also a good idea to have some sort of negative space around your art. This helps to visually separate the artwork from the wallpaper and gives your eye a little break from all that pattern. This could be in the form of a mat or even better, a float mount like this cheetah art piece that Caitlin hung on her bathroom wall.

A more traditional yet still dramatic approach to wallpaper is a bountiful floral print. Cool wallpaper ideas for home include updated plays on florals with large-scale blooms and dramatic brooding hues for a look that’ll stay fresh in your space for years to come.

There’s nothing that says fresh and modern quite like a classic combination of blues and whites. Cool wallpaper ideas for homes that incorporate this refreshing hue pair beautifully with any interior style and will keep your space looking sharp even as trends change.

While it may seem counterintuitive to use a bold pattern on the ceiling, if done right it can make a stunning statement that’s sure to catch the eye of everyone who enters your space. Just be sure to choose a breathable vinyl based wallpaper and opt for a coordinating patterned trim.

Funky patterns that are reminiscent of or inspired by abstract painting, such as Impressionism, Expressionism or Cubism are perfect for anyone who loves the vibrant colors and patterns of these art movements. In addition to a colorful palette, many of these psychedelic wallpaper designs feature geometric shapes that elicit a sense of movement and depth.

Children’s rooms are a wonderful place to use unique and imaginative patterns. They arouse curiosity and encourage the imagination as well as foster learning processes with their stimulating prints. Unusual patterned wallpapers such as those that mimic natural elements or animals are especially appealing for kids as they can help to stimulate the mind and nurture imaginations. Alternatively, children love graffiti-style motifs which can help to promote rebellion and self-realisation.

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