When done right, wallpaper is one of the fastest and most cost-effective ways to bring life to your home’s walls. It instantly adds visual interest and texture, bringing a room together and perfectly complementing your design aesthetic. While many homeowners are hesitant to jump on the wallpaper train, fearing that it can sometimes look overly fussy or dated, modern wallpaper used well can be trend-forward and fresh.
If you’re thinking about incorporating wallpaper into your space, the first step is to identify the purpose of the room. Do you want it to feel relaxed and rustic, glam and contemporary, or dark and moody? The answer to these questions will help guide your wallpaper selection and color palette.
The next step is to assess the amount of natural light the room receives. This will help narrow down your options for wallpaper and paint colors as light colored walls can create a space that feels airy, bright, and energetic while darker colors can make rooms feel cozy and intimate.
Once you’ve identified the desired feel of your room and if it will be an accent or full-room piece, it is time to decide on a pattern. Choosing a patterned wallpaper can immediately add style and depth to any room. However, it is important to consider what type of pattern you would like, as there are many options available. For example, a classic ticking stripe may look timeless and stylish while adding a traditional flair. Alternatively, you could choose a textured wallpaper with a more geometric pattern for an eye-catching statement.
Another thing to keep in mind when choosing a pattern is the scale. A large-scale pattern will have a more dramatic effect on the space, while a small-scale print will be less intrusive and work great for contemporary styles.
If you’re going to wallpaper the entire room, it is best to choose a pattern that will complement your furniture. As a general rule, it is advisable to use lighter wallpaper for smaller rooms with low ceilings and more saturated colors for larger spaces with high ceilings. When deciding on a pattern, it is also worth considering what type of artwork you plan on hanging in the space. A bold geometric print may clash with a painting of a landscape or abstract artwork with softer shapes and lines.
Lastly, it’s always a good idea to select a wipeable wallpaper for areas where you expect a lot of dirt and dust to accumulate. This can be particularly useful in a child’s room or for bathrooms.
Finally, before you start removing furniture and preparing the room for wallpapering, it is always a good idea to order samples of any potential wallpapers you’re interested in. Most wallpaper vendors and manufacturers will be more than happy to provide a sample that you can test on your wall and live with for a few days to ensure it is what you’re looking for! Once you’ve settled on a wallpaper, it’s also wise to choose a matching paint color. This will allow you to easily match the color of your new wallpaper with existing furnishings and accessories in your space to create a cohesive and seamless look.