Incorporating wallpaper in a bathroom can make for a truly unique and eye-catching space. From kaleidoscope patterns to a modern take on traditional florals, there are many wallpaper options that will make your bathroom stand out from the rest. If you want to create a more subtle effect, try a simple geometric pattern. Or if you really want to be bold, look no further than a tropical or animal print.
When looking for small bathroom wallpaper, consider the color and texture of the design you choose. Some wallpapers come in a matte finish, while others have a more glossy sheen, which is easier to clean. For instance, Graham & Brown’s Beadboard Wallpaper has the look of vertical shiplap or wainscotting and is easily painted to match your space. Other types of wallpaper are made from a more natural material, such as woven grasscloth, like in the Serena & Lily Grasscloth Wallcovering. These types of wallpapers are usually more expensive than regular non-woven paper, but they will be much more durable.
If your bathroom has a window, try matching the wallpaper to the flooring or other accents in the room. This will blur the boundaries of the space, making it feel bigger and more expansive. A neutral or off-white shade is a great option for this, as it’s easy to coordinate with a wide variety of other colors and finishes.
In a windowless bathroom, use a pattern that features different sizes of flowers or butterflies to brighten up the space. This will give the illusion of height and openness, which is ideal for a tiny powder room. Or, go for a whimsical wallpaper with a unique theme, such as this one featuring silhouettes of all kinds of dogs. A fun print will add some personality to a tight space, making your bathroom a more enjoyable place to spend time.
Another way to make a tiny bathroom feel bigger is by using a wallpaper with a light sheen that picks up the natural light in the room. In this bathroom, the leafy patterned wallpaper has a foil print that reflects and diffuses light, which makes the room feel larger and more spacious.
If you’re not looking for something too wild, try a more refined print such as the delicate watercolor hexagonal pattern on these walls. This wallpaper has a soft and elegant quality that will make your bathroom feel luxurious and inviting.
If you’re ready to start browsing small bathroom wallpaper ideas, there are plenty of online resources to help you find the right look for your home. You can also order samples of wallpaper to see how it looks in your own space, before making a purchase. It’s always better to test out a wallpaper than to discover it doesn’t work in your bathroom after you’ve already installed it.