Wallpaper Designs For Living Room

The right wallpaper can add a splash of color, pattern, texture or even material finish to a living room. With the range of styles and materials on offer, it’s easy to find a wallpaper that suits your design style and budget. To help you with your search, we’ve gathered together some of our favorite wallpaper designs for living room to inspire your next design project.

If you’re introducing a new color scheme to your living room, consider coordinating your wallpaper with the shade of your furniture and other decorative elements. This way, your wallpaper will serve as an accent, rather than a dominating feature. Then, the rest of your decor can be used to highlight the features you love about your space.

Creating a more dramatic effect can be as simple as lining shelves with patterned wallpaper. This creative idea lets you spotlight your favorite knick-knacks and gives your shelfies a sense of style and depth. Plus, you can choose a washable wallpaper that’s easy to clean without having to re-paint your shelves each time you switch out a framed print or ceramic vase.

If your home has a lot of wooden furniture, consider papering just above the dade or around a niche. This creates a smart, tailored look that helps define a reading nook or home office within an open-plan space. Or, go all-out and introduce a bold turquoise wallpaper to add vibrancy and interest to your living room. Mix in soft greys for a sophisticated designer look.

Using wallpaper to frame an art piece is another way to showcase a favorite painting or photograph in your living room. It’s also a great choice for trickier areas, such as a bay window or tricky corner, or if you have wall projections or ledges that need to be decorated. This approach is a particularly good choice if you prefer a more minimal decorating style.

Wallpaper can make a room appear larger by visually increasing its width and length. Light wallpaper colors and delicate, compact patterns are ideal for small spaces, while a wide array of textured and shimmering options can also make rooms feel bigger and brighter.

A popular wallpaper trend that works in the living room is the tropical paradise motif. Whether you choose an entire palm tree-themed mural or a subtle grass cloth wallpaper, these designs bring a natural and warm touch to any room. Global influences are also still very strong with traditional textures and patterns of cultures across the globe providing plenty of inspiration for new wallpapers. This Frida Kahlo-inspired woven floral pattern is a great example of the style, while the neutral color palette allows other artwork and decor to shine.

While a common adage is that blues and greens should never be seen together, they’re actually a perfect match when combined. Whether you’re going for an Arts and Crafts aesthetic or a coquettish romanticism, green wallpapers promote renewal and growth.

With the right wallpaper, you can give your living room a whole new look without having to knock down walls or start from scratch. For a quick and easy makeover, opt for a textured grass-cloth or faux brick wallpaper to add texture and an unexpected material finish to your existing room. For a more refined finish, try fabric wallpaper, which is thicker than standard paper or vinyl wallcoverings and lends a luxe look to any room.

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