Waterproof Bathroom Wallpaper

The bathroom is an area that has high humidity levels and a lot of splashes of water. This can make it difficult for wallpaper to last as long as paint or tiles. But if you want to create a stylish, eye-catching decor in your bathroom with wallpaper, this is not impossible! Waterproof wallpapers have been designed to withstand contact with moisture, making them an excellent choice for your bathroom.

Waterproof wallpapers for bathrooms have been developed as a durable alternative to tiles in wet areas. This is because the plastic surface of the vinyl wallpaper can be wiped clean without needing to use cleaning products. In the past, it was usual to tile the whole space in the bathroom, including the spaces around the sink, urinal and bathtub, but today, it is more common to simply cover the splash-water zones with waterproof wallpaper for the bath, shower and toilet. This way, you can avoid the cost of tiling and also save a great deal of time when it comes to cleaning.

Wallpapers in the bathroom are available in many different designs and styles to suit your personal taste. Some wallpapers are based on patterns such as stripes, floral or geometric shapes. Others are based on themes such as the Caribbean, the ocean or mermaids. These wallpapers can help to create an authentic atmosphere in your bathroom and can add a touch of style that you cannot get with painted walls or tiles.

Another option is to choose a wallpaper that has a foil print, similar to a mirror. This type of wallpaper has a shiny surface that reflects light and makes the room feel brighter and bigger. It can be a good choice for small bathrooms, where a mirror would normally be installed.

If you prefer a more elegant look in your bathroom, you can also opt for a tile-motif wallpaper. This can give a very sophisticated look to your bathroom and, like real tiles, can be wiped down easily to remove any residues of soap, shampoo or toothpaste. Some of these wallpapers even come with a built-in antibacterial coating to prevent the growth of mould.

To protect your waterproof bathroom wallpaper, you can apply a varnish to it. The best time to do this is on a day with low humidity, so that the wallpaper will not warp when the varnish is applied. It is also important to make sure that you use a high-quality varnish that will not leave any marks on your wallpaper when it dries.

A final tip is to use a clear silicone caulking around the edges of your wallpaper to help seal it from excess moisture and high humidity levels. This will also protect the wallpaper from sagging or peeling. To achieve the neat, finished appearance shown in the picture, it is important to ensure that all seams and corners are properly sealed before applying the caulking. This can be done using the wallpaper glue that came with your product, which will be indicated in the instruction booklet.

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