Whether your style leans towards a refined sense of understatement or the more dramatic use of color, designer wallpaper for walls will add an element of flair to any interior space. There are countless designs and patterns to choose from that will transform a room from basic and ordinary to extraordinary. However, with the variety of options available, it can be difficult to narrow down the choices and find a design that fits your personality. This is especially true if you are in the market for luxury wallpaper, as those styles typically require more time and effort to produce than standard or vinyl options.
Fortunately, there are a few things you can keep in mind to help you find the right designer wallpaper for your room. For starters, it is a good idea to consider the amount of light that the room gets, since some designs may work better in rooms with more natural lighting than others. Another consideration is the overall feel of the room, as some types of wallpaper may make a space appear more formal or contemporary while others may be more casual and relaxed. Finally, you will want to think about the type of decor that you already have in the space, as some styles of wallpaper are more compatible with particular furniture pieces than others.
If you are looking for an option that will provide the ultimate in sophistication, there are several designer wallpaper brands that specialize in luxury wallcoverings. These include Osborne and Little, Cole & Son, Designers Guild and Elitis. Each of these companies creates wallpaper that is both beautiful and durable, and their designs are often inspired by nature, history and culture. The patterns and motifs that these designer wallpapers offer are unmistakable, and the colors used in their creations can be intoxicating to the senses.
While some people may shy away from using pattern in their homes due to concerns that they will tire of the design over time, Marthe Armitage, a professional wallpaper designer and consultant, believes that used correctly, patterns can enhance a home’s visual appeal without becoming so overpowering that they detract from a room’s functionality. Regardless of the design you choose, it is always wise to order a sample first to ensure that the color and texture will be suitable for your space.
If you are ready to upgrade your living spaces with a dazzling selection of designer wallpaper for walls, Burke Décor makes the process easy with free shipping on orders over $50 in the continental United States. Browse the entire collection and choose your favorite bespoke options today!