When designing a living room, wallpaper is one of the most effective ways to transform your space. Whether you want to create a feature wall or paper the entire room, there’s an abundance of options in terms of color, style, pattern and material.
There are so many wallpaper choices for living rooms — and each one comes with a unique style and personality. If you’re unsure where to start, consider your lifestyle and budget to narrow down your search. For example, if your family has young children you may want to choose a washable and scrubbable wallpaper that’s also durable.
You might also decide to go bold with a geometric wallpaper or experiment with a textured fabric. Grass cloth and faux brick wallpaper are great for adding texture, while patterned wallpaper adds a visual interest to the space. Finally, a wallpaper with a subtle design may be best for those who prefer a minimalist look.
A floral print wallpaper is a classic choice, as it’s both delicate and whimsical. The best thing about floral wallpaper is that it can be combined with other patterns and colors to suit your taste. If you’re feeling adventurous, try a leafy botanical wallpaper to bring the outdoors in. This type of wallpaper adds a touch of nature to any room while maintaining a clean and sophisticated appearance.
Green wallpaper is a wonderful choice for living rooms, as it’s earthy and welcoming all at once. It can also help make small spaces feel larger and create a sense of harmony. The best thing about a green wallpaper is that it can be paired with any color and still look stylish and chic.
Another traditional wallpaper option is a black and white pattern. Black and white wallpapers are classic, elegant and modern — they can easily be paired with other colors to create a variety of different looks.
If you’re looking for a wallpaper with a pop of color, blue is the way to go. Blue wallpapers for living rooms come in a range of nuances that can exude majestic elegance, delicate purity or voluptuous warmth. Depending on the shade, a blue wallpaper can excite, stimulate and inspire creativity.
Lastly, if you’re looking for a wallpaper that has a bit of an edge, try metallic. These stunning wallpapers for living rooms add a luxurious feel to the space and are perfect for those who love to entertain. This type of wallpaper can add a sense of depth and drama, as well as a sense of opulence and luxury.
When choosing a wallpaper for your living room, don’t be afraid to step outside of the box and be adventurous with your design. Wallpaper is a great way to express your personal style and can be easier than painting (especially for those who live in a rented apartment). With so many designs to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect wallpaper for your living room.