Home wallpaper is a quick way to give any room a new lease on life. Whether you’re sprucing up the main bedroom or a small powder bath, a pop of color or pattern is sure to catch people’s attention in a big way. However, before you head to the store or online for a roll of your favorite, take a step back and consider your options. How many rooms will be getting the treatment, and what vibe are you trying to create?
Once you have a clearer idea of your goal, start by assessing the room’s current color palette and any furniture it has. Then decide what kind of mood or “vibe” you want the space to have and which colors, textures, or patterns would best suit that tone. For example, a romantic floral print might look great covering all the walls in a cottage-style living space, but might not play as well in an industrial-style flat.
Consider the amount of wear and tear the wallpaper will face as well – kids’ rooms, for instance, are not the place for delicate papers. In these cases, a tough vinyl based paper may be more appropriate.
Another factor to consider is the size of the room and how much wallpaper you need. This can be determined by measuring the width and length of each wall, then dividing those figures by 25 (the average square footage in one single roll). Remember to subtract the square footage of any windows or doors, as they will have to be cut down to size and treated accordingly.
A common mistake that can be made is overestimating how much wallpaper you’ll need, which could result in a major overage or having to deal with leftovers at the end of your project. Calculating your square footage is fairly simple: multiply the height and width of each wall, then add these two figures together. Once you know how much room you have, make a note of it so that when shopping for the right roll you won’t be disappointed.
One of the best ways to determine if you’ll love your wallpaper is to tape a sample to the ceiling above your bed. It’ll be the first thing you see in the morning and the last at night, so it’s a good idea to make sure you’re really sold on it before taking the plunge.
Besides the obvious choice of a traditional or contemporary style, there are plenty of other options to choose from, including fabric-based wallpapers. These are made from either woven or non-woven fabrics, and they often include a vinyl layer with the design printed on it for added durability.
Women-owned shops like Drop It Modern and Pepper Home offer a variety of print-to-order options that work for the whole house, as well as a selection of matching curtains and throw pillows to pull your look together. Another great option is West Elm, which offers everything from traditional prints to peel-and-stick cork tiles that have a cool 3D effect on your wall.