When it comes to refreshing a room with wallpaper, the most exciting designs aren’t the ones that disappear into the background – they’re the bold patterns that make a statement. Whether you’re looking for new blue wallpaper or something more neutral, a feature wall is the ideal opportunity to introduce some extra interest into your home décor.
But what exactly is a feature wall? And how do you choose the right wallpaper for this type of space?
Typically, a feature wall is a space that’s covered by furniture or other obstructions, such as a door, window or kitchen cabinets. These types of spaces aren’t the best places to use large-scale patterns because they don’t leave a lot of open space for wallpaper. However, if you have one of these types of walls that you’d like to use for wallpaper, consider choosing a smaller scale pattern or a neutral shade like the Ochre Divine Wallpaper (PS11 per roll). This way, your wallpaper will be noticeable but won’t overpower the room.
A lot of people worry about how to hang a feature wall, but actually it’s a really simple process. For fresh new plaster, the first thing you need to do is prep the surface. This means removing any grease or dirt and filling in any small cracks. Once your walls are ready to be wallpapered, it’s a good idea to apply a layer of lining paper to ensure a smooth finish.
From there, it’s a matter of marking a plumb line (a straight vertical line that you will measure your first drop against) with a spirit level or a large pencil. You’ll also want to mark out where the top and bottom of the wallpaper will be. Lastly, remember to allow for a few inches of overlap.
Floral wallpaper is a popular choice for a feature wall, and there are many styles to choose from. The Pastoral Sunset Wall Mural (PS17 per roll) is inspired by Monet’s Impressionist paintings and works well in a bedroom or living space. For a more feminine feel, choose the Albus III Wallpaper (PS12 per roll). This floral wallpaper mural features signature flowers from Instagram photographer Claire Luxton and is unashamedly romantic.
A more geometric style of wallpaper is another classic option for a feature wall, such as the Scratched Wallpaper (PS10 per roll). This style is great for bringing a modern edge to your interior design, and it looks fantastic when paired with neutral shades that will help the pattern stand out even more. For example, Louis Duncan-He designs hung a white wallpaper with a geometric pattern on a feature wall in their home, which is then framed by plain walls and a wooden shelving unit. This gives the room an eclectic yet cohesive look.